News from Home at Dvir Gallery

Artists: Latifa Echakhch, Douglas Gordon, Jonathan Monk, Sarah Ortmeyer, Ariel Schlesinger, Naama Tsabar, Remy Zaugg

Exhibition title: News from Home

Venue: Dvir Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

Date: May 30 – August 22, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Dvir Gallery

ICH, ICH SEHE DICH at Istituto Svizzero

Artists: Emil Michael Klein, Renée Levi, Julie Monot, Yoan Mudry, Ramaya Tegegne, Niels Trannois, Hannah Villiger, Rémy Zaugg

Exhibition title: ICH, ICH SEHE DICH

Venue: Instituto Svizzero, Rome, Italy

Date: October 13, 2018 – January 27, 2018

Photography: © OKNOstudio / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Instituto Svizzero, Rome