Reset at Kai Matsumiya

Artists: Joan Jonas, Craig Kalpakjian, Andrew Ross, Victoria Haynes, Micaela Carolan, Peter Fend, Joseph Kosuth (fake), Carol Szymanski, Ben Morgan-Cleveland, Ala Dehghan, Steffani Jemison, Rainer Ganahl, Jason Hirata, Ficus Interfaith, Amy O’Neill, Elliott Jamal Robbins, Cassidy Toner, Maggie Lee, Raque Ford, Jason Matthew Lee, Pedro Wirz, Greg Fadell

Exhibition title: Reset

Venue: Kai Matsumiya, New York, US

Date: February 6 – March 10, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kai Matsumiya, New York


Artists: Annette Wehrhahn, Daniel Albuquerque, Janina McQuoid, Matteo Callegari, Rainer Ganahl Exhibition title: SMASH Curated in collaboration with: Giangiacomo Rossetti Venue: BFA, São Paulo, Brazil Date: June 2 – July 25, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and BFA Boatos, São Paulo A shape stands out before me, skin still wet from the … Read more

A paz entre os animais at BFA

Artists: Daniel Faust, Rainer Ganahl, Marcello Grassmann, Bradley Kronz, Adriana Lara, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Emanuele Marcuccio, Paulo Nimer Pjota, Max Hooper Schneider, Sergei Tcherepnin, Erika Verzutti Exhibition title: A paz entre os animais Curated by: Michele D’Aurizio Venue: BFA, São Paulo, Brazil Date: November 27 -­ December 20, 2014 Photography: Courtesy of the artists and BFA, São Paulo … Read more