Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo) at Kunsthaus Glarus

Artist: Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo)

Exhibition title: I’m Jade. I’m a trans woman trans womxn trans femme two spirit human being. Life feels long even though it hasn’t been all that long. A brain tumor surgically removed, getting divorced, losing my dad, brain tumor resurgence scare, starting hormone replacement therapy, experiencing sexual assault and rape multiple times and coming out as a woman. This exhibition is a roller coaster of the emotions feelings but also thoughts connections that happened over this span of time… only a little more than a decade. This exhibition covers the span of Puppies Puppies to Jade. It’s hard to get up each morning. My heart aches but I’m happy to be a woman. I’ll try my best to enjoy life even though society makes it difficult. From dust to dust I am but a speck on this planet and I wonder how to use this short life of mine. Trying not to let my trauma take over but still be kind to yourself Jade. This is the end of a decade • a new way of working coming soon. Sincerely, Jade Kuriki Olivo

Venue: Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland

Date: June 6 – August 22, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunsthaus Glarus

Note: Exhibition booklet is available here

Delusionarium 5 (Adaptation) at Night Gallery

Artists: Shagha Ariannia, Cara Benedetto, Jesse Benson, Tanyth Berkeley, Hildegarde Duane, Benjamin Echeverria, Elizabeth Englander, Elif Erkan, Awol Erizku, Mark Flores, Daniel T. Gaitor-Lomack, William E. Jones, Sean Kennedy, Tom Krumpak, Tory J. Lowitz, Brian Mann, Star Montana, David Muenzer, Jeanette Mundt, D’Ette Nogle, Catalina Ouyang, Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo), Mark Roeder, Michael E. Smith, Peter Wächtler, Leila Weefur and 5/5 Collective, Takako Yamaguchi

Exhibition title: Delusionarium 5 (Adaptation)

Curated by: Jesse Benson & Becky Koblick

Venue: Night Gallery, Los Angeles, US

Date: May 15 – June 12, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Night Gallery, Los Angeles

Reverie at Efremidis Gallery

Artists: Mathis Altmann, Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Juliette Blightman, Vittorio Brodmann, Ann Cotten, Monster Chetwynd, Robert Escalera, David Hominal, Luzie Meyer, Josip Novosel, Puppies Puppies (Jade Kuriki Olivo), Pippin Wigglesworth, Jannis Paetzold

Exhibition title: Reverie

Venue: Efremidis, Berlin, Germany

Date: May 22 – July 3, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Efremidis, Berlin