in awe at Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Artists: Daphne Ahlers, Olga Balema, Jana Euler, Morgan Fisher, Josefin Granqvist, Elisabeth Greinecker, Lena Henke, Laura Hinrichsmeyer, Anna Holtz, Lisa Holzer, Nina Könnemann, Anita Leisz, Michele di Menna, Cecilie Nørgaard, Rosa Rendl, Ulla Rossek, Lilli Thiessen, Jan Vorisek, Nicole Wermers, Michele di Menna, Lonely Boys

Exhibition title: in awe

Curated by: Melanie Ohnemus

Venue: Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria

Date: September 14 – October 25, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Markus Krottendorfer 

Ungestalt at Kunsthalle Basel

Artists: Caroline Achaintre, Olga Balema, Joachim Bandau, Trisha Donnelly, Marcel Duchamp, Michaela Eichwald, Pakui Hardware, Florence Jung, Eric N. Mack, Liz Magor, Park McArthur, Nathalie Perrin, Tomo Savić- Gecan, Lucie Stahl, Alina Szapocznikow, Adrián Villar Rojas

Exhibition title: Ungestalt

Venue: Kunsthalle Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Date: May 15 – August 13, 2017

Photography: Philipp Hänger, images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunsthalle Basel

Note: Press release can be found here

I’M NOBODY! at High Art

Artists: Olga Balema, Matt Copson, Keith Farquhar, Tom Humphreys, Cooper Jacoby, Valerie Keane, Nina Knnemann, Bradley Kronz, Aaron Garber-Maikovska, Alan Michael, Pentti Monkkonen, Max Hooper Schneider, Dena Yago, Nathan Zeidman

Exhibition title: I’M NOBODY!

Venue: High Art, Paris, France

Date: May 12 – June 10, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and High Art, Paris

Note: Press release can be found here

Aubades. Land Art for Aliens at Weiss Falk


Artists: Olga Balema, Liz Craft, Peter Fend, Mathis Gasser, Goetheanum, Nancy Halt, Lena Henke, Vera Karlsson, Chantal Kaufmann, Laura Langer, Bob van der Wal, Phillip Zach

Exhibition title: Aubades. Land Art for Aliens

Organised by: Julia Moritz and Bob van der Wal

Venue: Weiss Falk, Basel, Switzerland

Date: February 11 – March 11, 2017

Photography: Flavio Karrer & Bob van der Wal, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Weiss Falk, Basel