dead among the dead! at Ellis King

13. Nora Berman - Pierced O (intercourse), 2016

Artists: Nora Berman, Tina Breagger, Matt Copson, Albrecht Dürer, Inka Essenhigh, Mike Kelley, Veit Laurent Kurz, Lazaros, Peter Wächtler, Pedro Wirz

Exhibition title: dead among the dead!

Venue: Ellis King, Dublin, Ireland

Date:  March 16 – April 23, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Ellis King, Dublin

dead among the dead! - Installation View 1

06. Veit Laurent Kurz - Untitled 1 of 6 (HERB-O-RAMA Series), 2015

Interstellar at Isabella Bortolozzi

Artists: Kai Althoff, Nora Berman, Steven Campbell, Donna Huddleston, Paul Laffoley, Adrian Wiszniewski Exhibition title: Interstellar Curated by: Michael Bracewell Venue: Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, Germany Date: November 3 – December 31, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin This exhibition was conceived as the continuation of a group show titled ‘The … Read more