Die Zelle at Kunsthalle Bern

Artists: John Armleder, Bianca Baldi, Cosima von Bonin, Manuel Burgener, Tom Burr, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Beat Feller, Beat Frank, Anita Leisz, Annina Matter / Urs Zahn, Park McArthur, Edit Oderbolz, Vaclav Pozarek, Magali Reus, Nicole Wermers, Joseph Zehrer, Heimo Zobernig

Exhibition title: Die Zelle

Venue: Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Date: March 4 – April 13, 2018

Photography: Gunnar Meier / All images copyright and courtesy the artists and Kunsthalle Bern

Wie werden wir uns wiedererkennen at Künstlerhaus Bremen

Artist: Naama Arad, Jade Fourès-Varnier & Vincent de Hoÿm, Anja Kirschner & David Panos, Stefanie Knobel, Nicolas Party, Marie Voignier, Nicole Wermers

Exhibition title: Wie werden wir uns wiedererkennen

Curated by: Fanny Gonella

Venue: Künstlerhaus Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Date: November 18, 2017 – January 28, 2018

Photography: Fred Dott, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Künstlerhaus Bremen

Note: List of works can be found here

in awe at Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Artists: Daphne Ahlers, Olga Balema, Jana Euler, Morgan Fisher, Josefin Granqvist, Elisabeth Greinecker, Lena Henke, Laura Hinrichsmeyer, Anna Holtz, Lisa Holzer, Nina Könnemann, Anita Leisz, Michele di Menna, Cecilie Nørgaard, Rosa Rendl, Ulla Rossek, Lilli Thiessen, Jan Vorisek, Nicole Wermers, Michele di Menna, Lonely Boys

Exhibition title: in awe

Curated by: Melanie Ohnemus

Venue: Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Vienna, Austria

Date: September 14 – October 25, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Markus Krottendorfer