La réforme de Pooky at Fri Art Kunsthalle Fribourg

Artists: Fabienne Audéoud, Sarah Benslimane, Elise Corpataux, Gritli Faulhaber, Sophie Gogl, Jasmine Gregory, Nanami Hori, Tom Humphreys, Marc Kokopeli, Matthew Langan- Peck, Jannis Marwitz, Sophie Reinhold, Marta Riniker-Radich, Christophe de Rohan Chabot, Thomas Sauter, Grégory Sugnaux, SoiL Thornton, Amanda del Valle, Jiajia Zhang

Exhibition title: La réforme de Pooky

Curated by: Paolo Baggi, Nicolas Brulhart and Grégory Sugnaux

Venue: Fri Art Kunsthalle Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland

Date: February 19  – May 8, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fri Art Kunsthalle Fribourg

Note: Exhibition booklet is available here

A House is not a Home at Fri Art Kunsthalle Fribourg (Part 2)

Artists: Daphne Ahlers, Olga Balema, Camille Blatrix, Gina Fischli, Sitara Abuzar Ghaznawi, Marie Gyger, Lewis Hammond, Nora Kapfer, Tristan Lavoyer, Claudia Lemke, Dominic Michel, Sveta Mordovskaya, Sophie Oxe, Ser Serpas

Exhibition title: A House is not a Home (Part 2)

Curated by: Nicolas Brulhart

Venue: Fri Art Kunsthalle FribourgFribourg, Switzerland

Date: November 30, 2019 – January 12, 2020

Photography: © Guillaume Baeriswyl / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fri Art Kunsthalle, Fribourg

Note: Exhibition booklet is available here

Discoteca Analitica at Fri Art Kunsthalle

Artists: Edmund Alleyn, Archizoom Associati, Udo Breger, John Brockman, Angela Bulloch, William S. Burroughs, Judy Chicago, Catherine Christer Hennix, Creamcheese, François Dallegret, Electric Circus, Evenstructure Research Group, Vidya Gastaldon, Anna and Lawrence Halprin, Derek Jarman / Michael Kostiff / John Maybury / Cerith Wyn Evans, Jacqueline de Jong, Thomas Julier, Morag Keil, Timothy Leary, Léa Lublin, Tobias Madison, Tony Martin, Marie Matusz, Pauline Oliveros, Walter Pichler, Piper Club, PULSA, Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan, Carolee Schneemann, Nicolas Schöffer, Ramon Sender, Sensorium, Willoughby Sharp, Gerd Stern, USCO, Ye Xe

Exhibition title: Discoteca Analitica

Curated by Nicolas Brulhart

Venue: Fri Art Kunsthalle, Fribourg, Switzerland

Date: February 9 – March 31, 2019

Photography: © Thomas Julier / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fri Art Kunsthalle, Fribourg

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here