Now Age at Garage Rotterdam

Artists: Hadassah Emmerich, Sulaïman Majali, Nick van Woert, Ada van Hoorebeke, Samuel Levack & Jennifer Lewandowski, Thomas van Linge Exhibition title: Now Age Curated by: Yasmijn Jarram Venue: Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Date: May 22 – July 12, 2015 Photography: Thijs de Lange, images courtesy of the artists and Garage Rotterdam Dressed totem poles, cat … Read more

Small Sculpture at Shane Campbell Gallery

Artists: Alma Allen, Darren Bader, Frank Benson, Chris Bradley,  Nancy Brooks Brody, Joanne Greenbaum, George Herms, Alice Hutchins,  Ma  Johnson, Shio Kusaka, Jason Meadows, Miki Mochizuka,  William J. O’Brien, Anthony Pearson, Puppies Puppies, Amanda Ross-Ho,  Hayley Tompkins, Nick van Woert, Lisa Williamson Exhibition title:  Small Sculpture Venue:  Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago, US Date: February 14 – March 14, 2015 Photography: Images courtesy of the artists and Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago Jason … Read more