documenta 14: Neue Neue Galerie (Neue Hauptpost)

Artists: Rasheed Araeen, Roger Bernat, Ross Birrell, Ulises Carrión, Moyra Davey, Theo Eshetu, Daniel García Andújar, Beatriz González, Irena Haiduk, Maria Hassabi, Edi Hila, Gordon Hookey, Andreas Ragnar Kassapis, Joar Nango, Otobong Nkanga, Dan Peterman, Arin Rungjang, Máret Ánne Sara, Ahlam Shibli, Algirdas Šeškus, The Society of Friends of Halit, Tracey Rose, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Ulrich Wüst, Artur Żmijewski

Exhibition title: documenta 14: Learning from Athens

Artistic Director: Adam Szymczyk

Curated by: Adam Szymczyk, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Hendrik Folkerts, Candice Hopkins, Hila Peleg, Dieter Roelstraete, Monika Szewczyk

Venue: documenta 14, Neue Neue Galerie (Neue Hauptpost), Kassel, Germany

Date: June 10 – September 17, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and documenta 14, all photos by Art Viewer