No, No, No, No at Cell Project Space

Artists: Wojciech Bąkowski, Beth Collar, Nancy Halt, Atiéna Lansade, Dana Munro

Exhibition title: No, No, No, No

Venue: Cell Project Space, London, UK

Date: February 9 – March 25, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Cell Project Space

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here

Sie sagen wo Rauch ist, ist auch Feuer at Kunsthalle Bern

Artists: Lutz Bacher, Bernadette Corporation, Vern Blosum, Kim Seob Boninsegni, Daniel Bosser, Claire Burrus, Bonnie Camplin, Ulises Carrión, castillo/corrales, Henry Codax, Verena Dengler, John Dogg, Trenton Duerksen, Bernd Fischerauer, Wolfgang Bauer, Guerrilla Girls, Nancy Halt, Thomas Julier, Tom Kummer, Danny McDonald, Gianni Motti, Puppies Puppies, Rrose Sélavy, Reena Spaulings, St. Bernard, Ramaya Tegegne, Philippe Thomas, Werner von Delmont, Seyoung Yoon

Exhibition title: Sie sagen wo Rauch ist, ist auch Feuer

Curated by: Valérie Knoll and Judith Welter

Venue: Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Date: August 12 – October 1, 2017

Photography: Gunnar Meier, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunsthalle Bern

Aubades. Land Art for Aliens at Weiss Falk


Artists: Olga Balema, Liz Craft, Peter Fend, Mathis Gasser, Goetheanum, Nancy Halt, Lena Henke, Vera Karlsson, Chantal Kaufmann, Laura Langer, Bob van der Wal, Phillip Zach

Exhibition title: Aubades. Land Art for Aliens

Organised by: Julia Moritz and Bob van der Wal

Venue: Weiss Falk, Basel, Switzerland

Date: February 11 – March 11, 2017

Photography: Flavio Karrer & Bob van der Wal, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Weiss Falk, Basel