Mountain Friends at Fred & Ferry

Artists: Kaï-Chun Chang, Daniele Formica, Maja Klaassens, Nishiko & Mirthe Klück

Exhibition title: Mountain Friends

Initiated by: Mirthe Klück

Venue: Fred & Ferry, Antwerp, Belgium

Date: January 13 – February 10, 2024

Photography: Tomas Uyttendaele / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Fred & Ferry, Antwerp

ARCHIPEL I ESTATE at BARBÉ, FRED & FERRY and Waldburger Wouters

Artists: Flexboj & L.A., Gerard Herman, Mirthe Klück, Geert Marijnissen, Julien Saudubray, Thé van Bergen, Manon van den Eeden, Stan Van Steendam, Alice Vanderschoot.

Exhibition title: L’estate

Organized by: BARBÉ (Ghent), FRED & FERRY (Antwerp) and Waldburger Wouters (Brussels)

Venue: BARBÉ (Ghent), FRED & FERRY (Antwerp) and Waldburger Wouters (Brussels), Belgium

Date: June 4 – September 3, 2023

Photography: All images copyright and courtesy of the artists, BARBÉ (Ghent), FRED & FERRY (Antwerp) and Waldburger Wouters (Brussels)

Bovenkamer at Fred & Ferry

Artists: Thomas Verstraeten, Toon Leën, Frank&Robbert Robbert&Frank, Leyla Aydoslu, Mirthe Klück, Antoine Waterkeyn, Helmut Stallaerts, Zoro Feigl, Liesbeth Henderickx, Anne Van Boxelaere, Jana Coorevits

Exhibition title: Bovenkamer

Venue: Fred & Ferry, Antwerp, Belgium

Date: April 4 – May 1, 2021

Photography: Tomas Uyttendaele / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fred & Ferry, Antwerp

Note: Press release is available here