Metafiguration at Tops Gallery

Artists: Caitlin Berndt, Michael Berryhill, Claudia Bitran, Melissa Brown, Joseph Buckley, Camel Collective, Christopher Chiappa, Sara Coffin, Alex Bradley Cohen, Oscar Rene Cornejo, Guy Church, David Kennedy Cutler, Rachel Domm, Graham Downing, Jonathan Edelhuber, Jonathan Ehrenberg, Nick Fagan, J.A Feng, Makeal Flammini, Kevin Ford, Chie Fueki, Jackie Gendel, Matthew Griffin, Luther Hampton, EJ Hauser, Blake Hiltunen, Kyle Hittmeir, Eddie Lee Kendrick, Sophie Larrimore, Colin Matthes, Benny Merris, Ignacio Perez Meruane, Sean McCarthy, Sean McElroy, Joe Minter, Amanda Nedham, Riley Payne, Matthew Ronay, Lui Shtini, Georgia Speller, Henry Speller, Daphne Stergides, Willie Stewart, Mamie Tinkler, Wade Tullier, Scott Zieher

Exhibition title: Metafiguration

Curated by: Sean McElroy and Kevin Ford

Venue: Tops Gallery, Memphis, US

Date: July 23 – September 23, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Tops Gallery

Works on Paper on Fridges at Harkawik

Artists: Tara Atefi, Betty Bailey, Stefania Batoeva, Michael Berryhill, Isabel Cavenecia, Monika Chlebek, Plum Cloutman, Penny Davenport, Abigail DeVille, Francesca Dolor, Julia, Dzwonkoski, Kayla Ephros, Loren Erdrich, J. A. Feng, Justin Fitzpatrick, Jacques Flechemuller, Ella Rose Flood, Joey Frank, Marlene Frontera, Daisuke Fukunaga, Pippa Garner, Nicholas Grafia, Joe Greer, Karl Haendel, Trulee Hall, Nschotschi Haslinger, Alexa Hawksworth, Mónica Heller, Delphine Hennelly, Mary Herbert, Dmitri Hertz, Sebastián Hidalgo, Miles Huston, Johannes Högbom, Enzo Iwase, Jack Jubb, Bayan Kiwan, Victoria Kosheleva, Robert Kraiss, Ella Kruglyanskaya, Kate Levant, David X. Levine, Santiago Licata, Yimiao Liu, Tala Madani, Wolfgang Matuschek, Lina McGinn, Kian McKeown, Ted Mineo, Kim Neudorf, Marina Pinsky, Max Popov, Matt Reiner, Owen Rival, Rachel Rosheger, Samantha Roth, Sóla Saar, Leonel Salguero, Isa Schieche, Emma Rose Schwartz, Mikołaj Sobczak, Tsai-Ling Tseng, Corina Dorrego Urdaneta, Jacques Louis Vidal, Erica Vincenzi, Katarina Janečková Walshe, Kalina Winters, Emily Rose Wright, Shai Yehezkelli

Exhibition title: Works on Paper on Fridges

Venue: Harkawik, New York, US

Date: August 12 – September 6, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Harkawik, New York

A Minor Constellation at Chris Sharp Gallery

Artists: Tom Allen, Sophie Barber, Michael Berryhill, Dike Blair, Varda Caivano, Luz Carabaño, Lois Dodd, Fergus Feehily, Anna Glantz, Federico Herrero, Ulala Imai, Lauren Spencer King, Jennifer J. Lee, Daniel Graham Loxton, Paulo Monteiro, Alexandra Noel, Daniel Rios Rodriguez, Paul P., Santiago de Paoli, Dana Powell, Kristopher Raos, Eleanor Ray, Louise Sartor, Anna Schachinger, Shana Sharp, Hiroshi Sugito, Sean Sullivan, Altoon Sultan, Hayley Tompkins, Tinus Vermeersch, Tyler Vlahovich, Owen Westberg, Yui Yaegeshi, Zhiliang Zhao

Exhibition title: A Minor Constellation

Venue: Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles, US

Date: July 30 – September 3, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Chris Sharp Gallery, Los Angeles