Outside Within at Philipp Pflug Contemporary

Artists: Mariechen Danz, Margaret Haines, Mirak Jamal, Marina Pinsky, Niclas Riepshoff, Anna Solal, Stephen Suckale

Exhibition title: Outside Within

Curated by: Gergana Todorova

Venue: Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt, Germany

Date: September 4 – October 17, 2020

Photography: Wolfgang Günzel / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt

(Un-)Real E-State at 3hd 2019: Fluid Wor(l)ds

Artists: Viviana Abelson, Margaret Haines, HellFun (Josefin Arnell & Max Göran), Ruth Angel Edwards, Julian-Jakob Kneer, Tarek Lakhrissi, Magdalena Mitterhofer, Shaun Motsi

Exhibition title: (Un-)Real E-State

Curated by: Tomke Braun and Creamcake

Venue: 3hd 2019: Fluid Wor(l)ds, Berlin, Germany

Date: October 22 – 27, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists

Note: Exhibition information can be found here