Saelia Aparicio at The Ryder

Artist: Saelia Aparicio

Exhibition title: Planta, alzado, raíz* (Plant, Elevation, Root)

Venue: The Ryder, Madrid, Spain

Date: December 12, 2019 – February 15, 2020

Photography: Pablo Brecha / All images copyright and courtesy of the artist and The Ryder, Madrid/London

Ana Laura Aláez at CA2M Centro de Arte dos de Mayo

Artist: Ana Laura Aláez

Exhibition title: Todos los conciertos, todas las noches, todo vacío (All Concerts, Every Night, All Empty)

Curated by: Bea Espejo

Venue: CA2M Centro de Arte dos de Mayo, Madrid, Spain

Date: November 8, 2019 – January 26, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, CA2M Centro de Arte dos de Mayo and the respective copyright holders