Terms of Belonging at GAVLAK

Artists: Allora & Calzadilla, Candida Alvarez, Jose Alvarez (D.O.P.A.), Iván Argote, Ricardo Brey, Gisela Colón, Débora Delmar, Teresita Fernández, Ignacio Gatica, Lucia Hierro, Alfredo Jaar, Anuar Maauad, Carlos Martiel, Joiri Minaya, Gabriela Salazar, Yoab Vera, Valeria Tizol Vivas

Exhibition title: Terms of Belonging

Venue: GAVLAK, Los Angeles, US

Date: October 22 – December 10, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GAVLAK, Los Angeles

off-kilter at Michael Benevento

Artists: Tony Cokes, Bjorn Copeland, Christopher Culver, Raque Ford, Oto Gillen, Ashton Hudgins, Salomon Huerta, Gigi Janchang, Chadwick Rantanen, Davina Semo, Julia Wachtel

Exhibition title: off-kilter

Venue: Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, US

Date: September 16 – November 5, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Michael Benevento, Los Angeles