Is it possible to be a revolutionary and like flowers? at NEST

Artists: Mehraneh Atashi, Rossella Biscotti, Milena Bonilla, CPR, Anne Geene, Gluklya, Philipp Gufler, Camille Henrot, Patricia Kaersenhout, Otobong Nkanga, Ruchama Noorda, Maria Pask, Lily van der Stokker

Exhibition title: Is it possible to be a revolutionary and like flowers?

Venue: NEST, The Hague, The Netherlands

Date: September 10  – December 19, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and NEST, Rotterdam

Note: Exhibition booklet is available here

There’s Something About PAINTING at Tatjana Pieters

Artists: Louis Appleby, Nicky Carvell, Judy Chung, Petra Cortright, Huey Crowley, Ben Edmunds, Alicia Gibson, Tomas Harker, Dan Hays, Rae Hicks, Tom Poelmans, Paul Pretzer, Lily Van Der Stokker, Thaddeus Strode, Felix Treadwell

Exhibition title: There’s Something About PAINTING

Curated by: Michael Pybus

Venue: Tatjana Pieters, Ghent, Belgium

Date: May 19 – July 14, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Tatjana Pieters