Aubades. Land Art for Aliens at Weiss Falk


Artists: Olga Balema, Liz Craft, Peter Fend, Mathis Gasser, Goetheanum, Nancy Halt, Lena Henke, Vera Karlsson, Chantal Kaufmann, Laura Langer, Bob van der Wal, Phillip Zach

Exhibition title: Aubades. Land Art for Aliens

Organised by: Julia Moritz and Bob van der Wal

Venue: Weiss Falk, Basel, Switzerland

Date: February 11 – March 11, 2017

Photography: Flavio Karrer & Bob van der Wal, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Weiss Falk, Basel



Year of the Monkey at Galerie Emanuel Layr Rome

12_Year of the Monkey

Artists: Juliette Blightman, Lena Henke, Benjamin Hirte, Niklas Lichti, Matthias Noggler

Exhibition title: Year of the Monkey

Venue: Galerie Emanuel Layr Rome, Rome, Italy

Date: January 19 – March 25, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Emanuel Layr Rome

6_Year of the Monkey

11_Year of the Monkey