Pretty Woman at Galerie Derouillon

Artists: Jean Arp, Alex Foxton, David Hockney, Alex Katz, Lauren Keeley, Mattea Perrotta, Walter Robinson

Exhibition title: Pretty Woman

Venue: Galerie Derouillon, Paris, France

Date: March 28 – May 11, 2019

Photography: Grégory Copitet / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Galerie Derouillon, Paris

HO HO HO at Frutta

Artists: Ditte Gantriis, Elisabetta Benassi, Enrico Benassi, Gundam Air, Holly Hendry, Jacopo Miliani, Jeremy Hutchison, Jonathan Monk, Lauren Keeley, Marco Giordano, Roberto Coda Zabetta, Ryan Gander, Sol Calero

Exhibition title: HO HO HO

Curated by: Alek O., Gabriele De Santis, Santo Tolone and Spring

Venue: Frutta, Rome, Italy

Date: November 25, 2017 – March 10, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Frutta, Rome

Maybe your lens is scratched? at Slate Projects

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Artists: Matt Ager, Jonathan Baldock, Becky Beasley, Neil Haas, May Hands, Thomas Hutton, Michael Iveson, Lauren Keeley, Lawrence Lek, Ben Sansbury, Marco Strappato, Amy & Oliver Thomas-Irvine, Felix Jung & Marc Einsiedel, We are visual

Exhibition title: Maybe your lens is scratched?

Curated by: Bianca Baroni and Alex Meurice

Venue: Slate Projects, London, UK

Date: June 24 – July 24, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Slate Projects

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Exercises in Style at Suprainfinit


Artists: Vanessa Billy, Ben Burgis & Ksenia Pedan, Luke Burton, Adam Cruces & Louisa Gagliardi, Adrian Dan, Lauren Keeley, Jan Kiefer, Ian Law, Erin Jane Nelson, Eugen Roșca

Exhibition title: Exercises in Style

Curated by: Simina Neagu

Venue: Suprainfinit, Bucharest, Romania

Date: June 23 – August 15, 2016

Photography: Catalin Georgescu, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Suprainfinit, Bucharest