Unto Dust at Fitzpatrick Gallery

Artists: Clovis Bataille, Dora Budor, Clémence de La Tour du Pin, François Durel, Cyprien Gaillard, Jasmine Gregory, Matthias Groebel, Sarah Ksieska, Klara Lidén, Patricio Lima Quintana, Jacopo Mazzetti, Alexandra Metcalf, Donald Moett, David Moser, Jill Mulleady, Juan Antonio Olivares, Henrik Olesen, Berenice Olmedo, Josephine Pryde, Erin Calla Watson, Angharad Williams, Jordan Wolfson

Exhibition title: Unto Dust

Venue: Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris, France

Date: March 25 – April 29, 2023

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris

Tourism at Stadtgalerie Bern

Artists: Ayo Akingbade, Theo Burt, François Curlet, Klara Lidén, Josiane M.H. Pozi, Dani ReStack, Rachel Reupke, John Smith, Angharad Williams, Constantina Zavitsanos

Exhibition title: Tourism

Curated by: Luca Beeler, Richard Sides and Judith Welter

Venue: Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Date: September 3 – October 16, 2021

Photography: David Aebi / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Stadtgalerie, Bern

Natures Mortes at Palais de Tokyo

Artists: Anne Imhof, Alvin Baltrop, Mohamed Bourouissa, Eugène Delacroix, Trisha Donnelly, Eliza Douglas, Cyprien Gaillard, Théodore Géricault, David Hammons, Eva Hesse, Mike Kelley, Jutta Koether, Klara Lidén, Joan Mitchell, Oscar Murillo, Eadweard Muybridge, Cady Noland, Precious Okoyomon, Francis Picabia, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Sigmar Polke, Paul B. Preciado, Bunny Rogers, Sturtevant, Yung Tatu, Paul Thek, Wolfgang Tillmans, Rosemarie Trockel, Cy Twombly, Adrián Villar Rojas

Exhibition title: Natures Mortes

Curated by: Emma Lavigne, Vittoria Matarrese

Music : Eliza Douglas

Sound installation: Eliza Douglas, Anne Imhof

Venue: Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

Date: May 22 – October 24, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, ©Palais de Tokyo and the respective copyright holders

Divine at Galerie Neu

Artists: Kai Althoff, Tom Burr, Lisetta Carmi, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Cerith Wyn Evans, Cosey Fanni Tutti, Louis Fratino, Ull Hohn, Klara Lidén, Jill Mulleady, Elle Pérez

Exhibition title: Divine

Venue: Galerie Neu, Berlin, Germany

Date: March 9 – April 17, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Neu, Berlin