Land of the Few and Far Between at Billytown

Artists: Thomas Swinkels, Jiří Kylián, Bernice Nauta, Lucia Nimcová, Sholto Dobie, F. van Abeelen, Jo Spier, Nishiko, Paulien Oltheten, Arno Westerberg, Kim David Bots

Exhibition title: Land of the Few and Far Between

Curated by: Kim David Bots

Venue: Billytown, The Hague, The Netherlands

Date: October 7 – November 25, 2022

Photography: Katherina Heil / Kim David Bots all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Billytown

Sensory Threshold LAB 2022 : HOLY GRID! at Billytown and Sala de Espera

Participants: Alexander Johannes Heil, Angela Bartholomew, Babette Kleijn, Davide Ghelli Santuliana, Farzané Nouri, Iede Reckman, Jiajia Qi, Katherina Heil, Kim David Bots, Maja Klaassens, Peter van Beveren, Rik Möhlmann, Dr. Rob van Gerwen, Sabine Winters, Tatiana Kolganova, Andrea J. Moriel, Luis A. Sánchez, Talia P. Gilbert

Exhibition title: Sensory Threshold LAB 2022 : HOLY GRID!

Curated by: Katherina Heil and Alexander Johannes Heil

Venue: Billytown, The Hague, The Netherlands and Sala de Espera, Tijuana, Mexico

Date: August 12 – September 23, 2022

Photography: Katherina Heil / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Billytown

Shoeglazing at Dürst Britt & Mayhew

Artist: Verena Blok, Kim David Bots, Caz Egelie, Afra Eisma, Arash Fakhim, Tim Hollander, Dorota Jurczak, Michael Portnoy, Koen Taselaar, Ola Vasiljeva

Exhibition title: Shoeglazing

Venue: Dürst Britt & Mayhew, The Hague, The Netherlands

Date: May 27 – July 24, 2022

Photography:Gert Jan van Rooij and Tim Hollander / copyright the artist and courtesy by Dürst Britt & Mayhew, The Hague

Note: An accompanying essay by Helena Julian is available here

RSVP at Billytown

Artists: Peter van Beveren, Hans Bellmer, Melle de Boer, Wim Gijzen, Kim David Bots, Eliane Bots, Afra Eisma, Marnix van Uum, Katherina Heil, Alexander Heil, Sam Hersbach, Vita Soul Wilmering, Robbin Heyker, Ma Jia, Paul de Jong, Sjuul Joosen, Maja Klaassens, Christofer Degrér, Rik Möhlmann, Gijsje Heemskerk, Bernice Nauta, Juan Pablo Plazas, Robbert Pauwels, Tim Breukers, Iede Reckman, Derk Thijs, Jiajia Qi, Fumi Takenouchi, Marieke van’t Zet, Machteld Solinger

Exhibition title: RSVP

Curated by: Katherina Heil and Robbin Heyker

Venue: Billytown, The Hague, The Netherlands

Date: January 28 – March 19, 2022

Photography: Charlott Markus / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Billytown, The Hague