Holly Village II at Derosia and GEMS

Artists: Chino Amobi, Matthew Barney, Mathew Cerletty, Whitney Claflin, Shuriya Davis, Nancy Dwyer, Witt Fetter, Sylvie Fleury, Andrea Fourchy, Karen Kilimnik, Charles Long & Stereolab, Michel Majerus, Andy Meerow, Sarah Morris, Sturtevant, Christopher Williams

Exhibition title: Holly Village II

Organized with: GEMS

Venue: Derosia, GEMS, New York, US

Date: November 8 – December 16, 2023

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, Derosia, New York and GEMS, New York

Marching to the Beat at Jessica Silverman Galley

Artists: Kutluğ Ataman, Charles Atlas, Andrea Bowers, Tammy Rae Carland, Chelsea Culprit, Rineke Dijkstra, Nicole Eisenman, Brendan Fernandes, Aaron Garber-Maikovska, Anna Halprin, Juliana Huxtable, Karen Kilimnik, Becky Kolsrud, David Korty, Paul Lee, Li Ming, Kelly Nipper, Catherine Opie, Silke Otto-Knapp, Puppies Puppies, Yinka Shonibare, Malick Sidibé, Maya Stovall, Wolfgang Tillmans, Francis Upritchard, Grace Weaver, Carrie Mae Weems

Exhibition title: Marching to the Beat

Venue: Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, US

Date: July 14 – August 26, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco

Note: Exhibition booklet can be found here