Kathmandu Triennale 2017

Artists: Lida Abdul, Waseem Ahmed, Leonardiansyah Allenda, Francis Alÿs, Kader Attia, Leyla Aydoslu, Massimo Bartolini, Kasper Bosmans, Ricardo Brey, Michael Candy, Sujan Chitrakar, Paulo Climachauska, Honoré d’O, Sujan Dangol, Saurganga Darshandhari, Gerry De Smet, Ronny Delrue, Anno Dijkstra, Song Dong, Peter Downsborough, Belu Simion Fainaru, Alice Fox, Shilpa Gupta, Hit Man Gurung, Majd Abdel Hamid, Laxman Karmacharya, Bidhata KC, Lee Kit, Surasi Kusolwong, Laxman Bazra Lama, Mani Lama, Mekh Limbu, Tayeba Begum Lipi, Bart Lodewijks, Jorge Macchi, Sanjeev Maharjan, Sunita Maharjan, Youdhister Maharjan, Youdhister Maharjan, Kiran Maharjan, Ciprian Muresan, Oscar Murillo, Sana Nasir, Daniel Arthur Panjwaneey, Jupiter Pradhan, Mahbubur Rahman, Tushikur Rahman, Sheelasha Rajbhandari, Ashmina Ranjit, Michael Ross, Salam Atta Sabri, Mithu Sen, Ang Tsherin Sherpa, Bikash Shrestha, Karan Shrestha, Prithvi Shrestha, Kailash K Shrestha, Kailash K Shrestha, Manish Lal Shrestha, Birendra Pratap Singh, Nedko Solakov, S.C. Suman, Setsu Suzuki, Masae Suzuki, Diana Tamane, Kunjan Tamang, Javier Tellez, Pratima Thakali, Bhuwan Thapa, Martin Travers, Carole Vanderlinden, Henk Visch, Lois Weinberger, Lois Weinberger

Curated by: Philippe Van Cauteren

Venue: Kathmandu Triennale, Kathmandu, Nepal

Date: March 24 – April 9, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kathmandu Triennale

Note: Kathmandu Triennale booklet can be found here

Kathmandu Triennale is Nepal’s premier international platform for global contemporary art. It is the latest iteration of the pioneering Kathmandu International Art Festival (KIAF), which nurtured several historical outcomes for Nepali arts and the city of Kathmandu. Like the precursory Festivals (2009, 2012), the Triennale is thematically engaged with particular social issues and seeks to advance a nuanced approach that encapsulates the pedagogical potential of contemporary arts.

The mission of the platform is to promote Nepali arts and culture and to establish Kathmandu as a cultural hub for socially aware art practices.

Through the facilitation of the platform, organizer Siddhartha Arts Foundation (SAF) employs the arts to present multiple perspectives on contemporary themes in order to educate audiences and engage society in critical dialogue.

Citynature: Vilnius and Beyond at National Gallery of Art

09-Citynature-Vilnius and Beyond-National-Gallery-Of-Art-Vilnius-2017-pakui-hardware-ugnius-gelguda-neringa-cerniauskaite

Artists: Kader Attia, Julius von Bismarck, Pakui Hardware (Neringa Černiauskaitė & Ugnius Gelguda), Kuai Shen, Julijonas Urbonas, Rimantas Jankauskas, Šarūnas Jatautis, Ieva Mitokaitė, Iwona Janicka, Vida Motiekaitytė, Egidijus Rimkus, Dovilė Keršytė, Justas Kažys, Oksana Valionienė, Aistis Žalnora

Exhibition title: Citynature

Curated by: Vytenis Burokas, Vitalij Červiakov, Eglė Mikalajūnė, Eglė Nedzinskaitė

Venue: National Gallery of Art, Vilnius, Lithuania

Date: February 3 – March 19, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and National Gallery of Art, Vilnius

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22-Citynature-Vilnius and Beyond-National-Gallery-Of-Art-Vilnius-2017-Kuai -Shen

SPECIAL FEATURE: Selection of works at Independent New York

Yngve Holen at Modern Art 02
Featured Artists: Agustín Fernández, Allison Katz, Becky Suss, Borna Sammak, Bruce M. Sherman, Charline Von Heyl, Corazón del Sol, DIS, Donna Huanca, Eugenia P. Butler, Gerry Bibby, Greg Parma Smith, Hardy Hill, Joanna Malinowska, JPW3, Julien Nguyen, Kader Attia, Karl Holmqvist, Liz Glynn, Lucas Arruda, Morag Keil, Olga Balema, Pablo Bronstein, Paulo Monteiro, Paulo Nimer Pjota, Sebastian Black, Than Hussein Clark, Tom Holmes, Viktor Jopp, Yngve Holen

Venue: Independent New York, New York, US

Featured Exhibitors: Mitchell Algus, The Approach, Adams and Ollman, JTT, White Columns, Nagel Draxler, The Box, Project Native Informant, Peres Projects, Silberkuppe, David Lewis, Neue Alte Brücke, Canada, Martos, Gavin Brown’s enterprise, Paula Cooper, Mendes Wood DM, Project Native Informant, Hannah Hoffman, Herald St, Maureen Paley, C L E A R I N G, VI VII, Bureau, Modern Art

Date: March 3 – 6, 2016

Photography: images courtesy of the artists, galleries and Independent New York

Allison Katz at The Approach 04
Pablo Bronstein at Herald St 03