SPECIAL FEATURE: ARCO Madrid 2024 (the shore, the tide, the current an oceanic Caribbean)

Featured Artists: Freddy Rodríguez, Emilia Azcárate, Glenda León, Juan Sánchez, Engel Leonardo, Joiri Minaya, Adler Guerrier, Madeline Jiménez Santil, Quisqueya Henríquez, Fabrizio Arrieta, Valerie Brathwaite, Gaëlle Choisne, Gabriella Torres-Ferrer, Didier William, Omar Velázquez, Leasho Johnson, David Antonio Cruz, José García Cordero

Venue: ARCO, Madrid, Spain

Featured Exhibitors: Hutchinson Modern & Contemporary (New York), Henrique Faria (New York), Senda (Barcelona), Formato Comodo (Madrid), Praise Shadows Art Gallery (Brookline), 193 Gallery (Paris), Arróniz (Mexico City), David Castillo (Miami), DiabloRosso (Panama), Air de Paris (Paris), Embajada (San Juan), Peter Kilchmann (Zurich/Paris), Tern (Nassau), moniquemeloche (Chicago), Lyle O. Reitzel Gallery (Santo Domingo)

Curated by: Carla Acevedo-Yates and Sara Hermann Morera

Date: March 6 – 10, 2023

Photography: images courtesy of the artists, galleries, ARCO Madrid and Art Viewer

Terms of Belonging at GAVLAK

Artists: Allora & Calzadilla, Candida Alvarez, Jose Alvarez (D.O.P.A.), Iván Argote, Ricardo Brey, Gisela Colón, Débora Delmar, Teresita Fernández, Ignacio Gatica, Lucia Hierro, Alfredo Jaar, Anuar Maauad, Carlos Martiel, Joiri Minaya, Gabriela Salazar, Yoab Vera, Valeria Tizol Vivas

Exhibition title: Terms of Belonging

Venue: GAVLAK, Los Angeles, US

Date: October 22 – December 10, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and GAVLAK, Los Angeles

Density Betrays Us at The Hole

Artists: Peggy Ahwesh, Claudia Bitran, Geoff Chadsey, Caitlin Cherry, Chris Coy, Carl D’Alvia, Du Jingze, Angela Dufresne, Mala Iqbal, Terrance James Jr., William E. Jones, Yasue Maetake, Michael Jones McKean, Nicole Miller, Joiri Minaya, Katharina Olschbaur, Carol Rama, Michael Robinson, Duane Slick, Emma Stern, Didier William, Andrew Woolbright, Sun Yitian, Cajsa von Zeipel

Exhibition title: Density Betrays Us

Curated by: Andrew Woolbright, Angela Dufresne, Melissa Ragona

Venue: The Hole, New York, US

Date: June 29 – August 15, 2021

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and The Hole, New York

documento​ at Embajada

Artists: ASMA, Alex Becerra, Daniel Boccato, Cristine Brache, Wendy Cabrera Rubio, Matteo Callegari, Antoine Carbonne, Guanina Cotto, Taína Cruz, Emily Davidson, Danielle De Jesús, Larissa De Jesús Negrón, Débora Delmar, Maggie Ellis, Cielo Felix-Hernández, Peter Fend, Juan “Jufe” Fernández, Elizabeth Ferry, Radamés “Juni” Figueroa, Al Freeman, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Vartiko Garcia, Jorge González, Sebastián Gutiérrez, Vanessa Gully Santiago, Vanessa Hernández-Gracia, Karlo Andrei Ibarra, Alana Iturralde, Elizabeth Jaeger, Daniel Lind-Ramos, Stuart Lorimer, Raúl Martínez, Adriana Martínez, Josué Mejía, Elsa María Meléndez, Manuel Mendoza Sánchez, Joiri Minaya, Jesús “Bubu” Negrón, Jonny Negrón, Nora Maité Nieves, Margaux Ogden, Juan Antonio Olivares, Ángel Otero, Kivan Quiñones, Paul Ramírez Jonas, Chemi Rosado-Seijo, Claudia Peña Salinas, Curtis Talwst Santiago, Irgin Sena, Yiyo Tirado, Gabriella Torres Ferrer, Rafael Vega, Chloe Wilcox, Alberto Zayas Montilla

Exhibition title: documento​

Venue: Embajada, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date: October 31, 2020 – February 6, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Embajada, San Juan