Halfway House at EXILE

Artists: Amanda Ross-Ho, Core Pan, Diana Barbosa Gil, Fette Sans, Johannes Büttner, Raphaela Vogel, Kamilla Bischof, Malte Zander, Martin Kohout, Nschotschi Haslinger, Patrick Fabian Panetta, Rafal Zajko, Tatiana Defraine, Tenant of Culture, Tilman Hornig, Paul Barsch, Vlad Nancă, Wieland Schönfelder

Exhibition title: Halfway House

Curated by: Julius Pristauz

Venue: EXILE, Vienna, Austria

Date: March 8 – April 13, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and EXILE, Berlin

Neïl Beloufa at Palais de Tokyo

Artists: Neïl Beloufa (with Anahi Alviso-Marino, Camille Blatrix, Barbara Bloom, Gregoire Beil, Johannes Büttner, Colectivo Acciones de Arte, Ellen Cantor, Grégoire Chamayou, Gustave Courbet, Christian Courrèges, Louis-Auguste Déchelette, Eversim (France), Jean-Luc Godard, ECPAD – Établissement de Communication et de Production Audiovisuelle de la Défense (Ivry-sur-Seine), Massimo Grimaldi, Thomas Hirschhorn, Holy Defense Museum (Téhéran, Iran), Alfred Janniot, Jon Kessler, Elizabeth Lennard, Vann Nath, National Army Museum (Londres, Royaume-Uni), Katja Novitskova, Pablo Picasso, Sigmar Polke, William Pope L., Hito Steyerl, Joseph Tchaïkov…)

Exhibition title: The Enemy of my Enemy (L’Ennemi de mon Ennemi)

Curated by: Guillaume Désanges, with Marilou Thiébault and Noam Segal

Venue: Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

Date: February 16 – May 13, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, ©Palais de Tokyo and the respective copyright holders