eureka! at VIN VIN

Artists: Isabella Costabile, Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, Zac Langdon-Pole, Shaun Motsi, J. Parker Valentine

Exhibition title: eureka!

Curated by: Francesco Tenaglia

Venue: VIN VIN, Vienna, Austria

Date: September 4 – October 2, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Vin Vin, Vienna

Automatic Door at Park View/Paul Soto

Artists: Victoria Colmegna, Andy Giannakakis, Aidan Koch, Mark McKnight, Dylan Mira, Alex Olson, Matt Paweski, Autumn Ramsey, Mark A. Rodriguez, Kate Spencer Stewart, J. Parker Valentine, Willa Wasserman

Exhibition title: Automatic Door

Venue: Park View/Paul Soto, Los Angeles, US

Date: August 7 – 30, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Park View/Paul Soto, Los Angeles