Loup Sarion at SpazioA

Artist: Loup Sarion

Exhibition title: Langue Pendue

Venue: SpazioA, Pistoia, Italy

Date: February 18 – March 15, 2017

Photography: Camilla Maria Santini, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and SpazioA, Pistoia

Ezra Gray at Almanac Inn

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Artist: Ezra Gray

Exhibition title: Brown Space

Venue: Almanac Inn, Turin, Italy

Date: February 18 – March 24, 2017

Photography: Sebastiano Pellion, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Almanac Inn, London/Turin

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Walled Gardens in an Insane Eden at Z2O Sara Zanin

07_RebeccaAckroyd_You only feel it when it’s broken, 2017, plaster, air vent, chicken wire, paint, spray paint, 180x70x635 cm

Artists: Rebecca Ackroyd, Gabriella Boyd, Rhys Coren, Kira Freije, Marie Jacotey, Florence Peake, Zadie Xa

Exhibition title: Walled Gardens in an Insane Eden

Venue: Z2O Sara Zanin, Rome, Italy

Date: February 9 – March 25, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Z2O Sara Zanin, Rome

04_Walled Garden In An Insane Eden_2017_Installation View_Room2_z2oSaraZaninGallery_Roma

12_Zadie Xa_Mudang_2016_Machine sewn and hand stitched fabric_synthetic hair_acrylic spray paint_digital print and wood_240x180cm