JUMANJI at Soft Focus Institute

Mathias Prenen_PBALUSTER_2015

Artists: Audrey Cottin, Adam Cruces, Marijke De Roover, Eleanor Duffin, John Finneran, Riley Harmon, Sophie Jung, Jóhanna Kristbjörg Sigurðardóttir, Hannah Lees, Kris Lemsalu, Nancy Lupo, Ria Pacquée, Angelo Plessas, Mike Pratt, Mathias Prenen, Marthe Ramm Fortun, R&F F&R, Eric Sidner, Sibran Sampers, Hayley Aviva Silverman, Birde Vanheerswynghels, Tamara Van San

Exhibition title: JUMANJI

Venue: Soft Focus Institute, Ghent, Belgium

Date: February 27 – March 26, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Soft Focus Institute, Ghent

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Natural Flavor at Ludlow 38

Artists: Maja Cule, Olivia Erlanger & Jessi Reaves, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Rasmus Høj Mygind, Kate Newby, Kayode Ojo, Hayley Aviva Silverman, Kerry Tribe Exhibition title: Natural Flavor Venue: Ludlow 38, MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow, New York, US Date: November 12 – December 13, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies … Read more