Cyprien Gaillard at Palais de Tokyo and Lafayette Anticipations

Artist: Cyprien Gaillard (featuring Giorgio de Chirico, Käthe Kollwitz, Robert Smithson and Daniel Turner)

Exhibition title: HUMPTY \ DUMPTY

Curated by: Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel

Venue: Palais de Tokyo, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris, France

Date: October 19, 2022 – January 8, 2023

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist, ©Palais de Tokyo, ©Lafayette Anticipations, and the respective copyright holders

Armory Captures at Smart Objects

Artists: Josef Albers, Milton Avery, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Joseph Beuys, Guy Pène du Bois, Agostino Bonalumi, Alexander Calder, Giorgio de Chirico, George Condo, Le Corbusier, Joseph Cornell, Salvador Dali, Beauford Delaney, Jim Dine, Arthur Dove, Lucio Fontana, Helen Frankenthaler, Balcomb Greene, Keith Haring, Marsden Hartley, Damien Hirst, David Hockney, Hans Hoffman, Paul Klee, Willem de Kooning, … Read more