An Assembly of Shapes at Oakville Galleries

Artists: Jason Baerg, Sascha Braunig, Rebecca Brewer, Sandra Brewster, Anthony Burnham, Julien Ceccaldi, Jane Corrigan, Patrick Cruz, Barry Doupé, Brenda Draney, Teto Elsiddique, Katie Lyle, Elizabeth McIntosh, Veronika Pausova, Jagdeep Raina, Beth Stuart, geetha thurairajah, Charlene Vickers, Ambera Wellmann

Exhibition title: An Assembly of Shapes

Venue: Oakville Galleries, Oakville, Canada

Date: June 24 – September 1, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Oakville Galleries

Nightline at 44th Drive Pier New York

Artist: Brian Kokoska, Clark Filio, geetha thurairajah, Kayode Ojo, Larissa Lockshin, Quay Quinn Wolf, Stephanie Hier

Exhibition title: Nightline

Venue: 44th Drive Pier New York, US

Date: August 16, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists