Galleri Benoni
Landscape Modern Oil Painting Canvas Painting Abstract Oil Painting Wall Hanging at Galleri Benoni
Artists: Peter Acheson, Daniel Peder Askeland, Zach Bruder, Lasse Bruun, Jason Burgess, Magnus Frederik Clausen, Gordon Dalton, Svend Danielsen, Michael Boelt Fischer, Bertil Osorio Heltoft, Rae Hicks, Per Kirkeby, Fabian Kuntzsch, Mads Lindberg, Marie Søndergaard Lolk, Sarah McNulty, Anton Møller-Munar, Rasmus Høj Mygind, Jon Pilkington, Torben Ribe, Adrianne Rubenstein, Trevor Shimizu, Astrid Svangren, Anna Ørberg
Exhibition title: Landscape Modern Oil Painting Canvas Painting Abstract Oil Painting Wall Hanging
Curated by: JIR SANDEL
Venue: Galleri Benoni, Copenhagen, Denmark
Date: June 17 – July 22, 2017
Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, JIR SANDEL and Galleri Benoni