Ca’n Boom! at L21 Gallery

Artists: Edu Carrillo, Alejandro Leonhardt, Vera Mota, Fátima de Juan, Nat Meade, Hunter Potter, Gao Hang, Richard Woods, Daisy Dodd-Noble, Marc Badia, Mira Makai, Ken Sortais, Thomas Kieseweter, Stefan Rinck, Okokume, b.wing

Exhibition title: Ca’n Boom!

Venue: L21 Gallery, Mallorca, Spain

Date: September 1 – 29, 2023

Photography: Juan David Cortés / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and L21 Gallery, Mallorca 

You Met Me At A Very Strange Time In My Life at L21 Gallery

Artists:  Guillaume Linard Osorio, Jonathan Trayte, Fátima de Juan, Adam Handler, Ákos Ezer, Jon Burgerman, Esther Kläs & Gustavo Gomes, Ludovica Carbotta, Mie Olise Kjærgaard, NKSIN, Simon Demeuter, Fanny Brodar, Eva Beresin, Ester Partegàs, Tobias Rehberger, Fabio Finamore, Oberon Parry-Laidler

Exhibition title: You Met Me At A Very Strange Time In My Life

Venue: L21 Gallery, Mallorca, Spain

Date: October 21 – December 9, 2022

Photography: Juan David Cortés / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and L21 Gallery, Mallorca 

EATING SUGAR? NO, PAPA! at L21 Gallery

Artists: Olivia Bax, Mona Broschár, Jordi Ribes, Gao Hang, Jan Hakon, Pixy Liao, Mira Makai, CB Hoyo, Bianca Fields, Rachel Hobkirk, Alex Chien, Spencer Harris, Jon Burgerman, Fátima de Juan

Exhibition title: EATING SUGAR? NO, PAPA!

Venue: L21 Gallery, Mallorca, Spain

Date: October 1 – December 3, 2021

Photography: Lúa Oliver / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and L21 Gallery, Mallorca