The boys the girls and the political at Lisson Gallery

Artists: Am Nuden Da, Lucy Beech and Edward Thomasson, Elaine Cameron-Weir, George Henry Longly, Jesper List Thomsen, Beatriz Olabarrieta, Ben Schumacher, Richard Sides, Cally Spooner and Alice Theobald Exhibition title: The boys the girls and the political Curated by: Hana Noorali and Lynton Talbot Venue: Lisson Gallery, London, UK Date: July 17 – September 5, 2015 Photography: Jack … Read more

Art Brussels: Rodolphe Janssen

Artists: Davide Balula, Walead Beshty, Elaine Cameron-Weir, Kendell Geers, Sean Landers, Thomas Lerooy, Chris Martin, Adam McEwen, Sam Moyer, Torbjørn Rødland Venue: Rodolphe Janssen, Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium Date:  April 24 – 27, 2015 Photography: Hugard & Vanoverschelde, images courtesy of the artists and Rodolphe Janssen