HOOKS & CLAWS at Galerie Gregor Staiger

Artists: Vittorio Brodmann, Elaine Cameron-Weir, Bruno Gironcoli, Max Hooper Schneider, Judith Hopf, Kulisek / Lieske, David Musgrave, Richard Rezac, Raphaela Vogel Exhibition title: HOOKS & CLAWS

Curated by: Alexis Vaillant

Venue: Galerie Gregor Staiger, Zurich, Switzerland

Date: February 21 – May 30, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Gregor Staiger

Elaine Cameron-Weir at JTT

Artist: Elaine Cameron-Weir

Exhibition title: strings that show the wind

Venue: JTT, New York, US

Date: September 8 – October 27, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and JTT, New York

Note: Press release can be found here