Metafiguration at Tops Gallery

Artists: Caitlin Berndt, Michael Berryhill, Claudia Bitran, Melissa Brown, Joseph Buckley, Camel Collective, Christopher Chiappa, Sara Coffin, Alex Bradley Cohen, Oscar Rene Cornejo, Guy Church, David Kennedy Cutler, Rachel Domm, Graham Downing, Jonathan Edelhuber, Jonathan Ehrenberg, Nick Fagan, J.A Feng, Makeal Flammini, Kevin Ford, Chie Fueki, Jackie Gendel, Matthew Griffin, Luther Hampton, EJ Hauser, Blake Hiltunen, Kyle Hittmeir, Eddie Lee Kendrick, Sophie Larrimore, Colin Matthes, Benny Merris, Ignacio Perez Meruane, Sean McCarthy, Sean McElroy, Joe Minter, Amanda Nedham, Riley Payne, Matthew Ronay, Lui Shtini, Georgia Speller, Henry Speller, Daphne Stergides, Willie Stewart, Mamie Tinkler, Wade Tullier, Scott Zieher

Exhibition title: Metafiguration

Curated by: Sean McElroy and Kevin Ford

Venue: Tops Gallery, Memphis, US

Date: July 23 – September 23, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Tops Gallery

Singing in Unison at Below Grand

Artists: Peter Acheson, Yasi Alipour, Gil Batle, Susan Bee, Louis Block, Regina Bogart, Lauren Bon, James Castle, Andrew Blythe, Lauren Bon, Katherine Bradford, Phong H. Bui, Lili Chin, Will Corwin, Adriana Farmiga, Merlin James, Lucy Fradkin, Louis Fratino, Rico Gatson, Glenn Goldberg, EJ Hauser, Mara Held, Helmut Hladisch, Bill Jensen, Alain Kirili, Gustave Klumpp, Matvey Levenstein, Margrit Lewczuk, Erik Lindman, CT McClusky, Tom McGlynn, Sam Messer, Amanda Millet-Sorsa, Cy Morgan, Loren Munk, John Newman, Joseph Rappal, David Rhodes, Daniel Roberts, Heather Rubinstein, Cordy Ryman, Ethan Ryman, Peter Saul, Sean Scully, Jon Serl, Arthur Simms, Allison Smith, Leopold Strobl, Fred Tomaselli, Liliane Tomasko, Meg Webster, Alfred Williams, Christopher Yockey

Exhibition title: Singing in Unison

Curated by: The Brooklyn Rail Curatorial Team- Phong Bui and Cal McKeever

Venue: Below Grand, New York, US

Date: May 29 – July 2, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Below Grand, New York