Rum, sodomy, and the lash at Eden Eden

Artists: Catharine Ahearn, Contemporary Art Writing Daily, Tony Conrad, Karl Andersson, Morag Keil, Bjarne Melgaard, Steve Reinke, Stephen G. Rhodes, Simon Thompson, Peter Wächtler Exhibition title: Rum, sodomy, and the lash Organised by: Ed Atkins and James Richards Venue: Eden Eden, Berlin, Germany Date: October 20, 2015 – January, 2016 Photography: Mark Blower, images copyright and … Read more

Aldo Mondino at Eden Eden

Artist: Aldo Mondino Exhibition title: Rules for Illusion, Part 1 Venue: Eden Eden, Berlin, Germany Date: April 29 – September 19, 2015 Photography: images copyright and cortesy of the artist and Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin RULES FOR ILLUSION Alberto Fiz We must first and foremost clear away any grounds for misunderstanding. Aldo Mondino is one of … Read more