For Dafna; ‘There is a Crack in Everything’ at Dvir Gallery

Artists: Adi Fluman, Dor Guez, Sigalit Landau, Yudith Levin, Moshe Ninio, Barak Ravitz, Elham Rokni, Miri Segal, Henry Shelesnyak

Exhibition title: For Dafna; ‘There is a Crack in Everything’

Venue: Dvir Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel

Date: May 21 – July 18, 2020

Photography: Elad Sarig / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Dvir Gallery

Ritiro at Kayu


Artists: Jumaldi Alfi, Ashley Bickerton, Lupo Borgonovo, Marco Cassani, Patrizio Di Massimo, Fendry Ekel, Dor Guez, Agnieszka Kurant, Filippo Sciascia, Alice Tomaselli, Entang Wiharso, and Alexandra Zuckerman

Exhibition title: Ritiro

Venue: Kayu, Lucie Fontaine, Rumah Topeng Dan Wayang, Bali, Rumah Doa Bagi Semua Bangsa, Java, Indonesia

Date: December 4 – 20, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kayu, Lucie Fontaine, Indonesia

