A closed mouth gathers no feet at DASH

Artists: Aline Bouvy, Stine Deja, Olga Fedorova, Indriķis Ģelzis, Agata Ingarden, Nicolas Lamas, Isaac Lythgoe, Josse Pyl, Tenant of Culture, Sharon Van Overmeire

Exhibition title: A closed mouth gathers no feet

Venue: DASH, Kortrijk, Belgium

Date: March 2 – April 7, 2019

Photography: Alexandra Colmenares / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and DASH

Note: Exhibition floor plan can be found here

On Materiality at DASH

Artists: Leyla Aydoslu, Rein Dufait, Johan De Wit, Elise Eeraerts, Valérian Goalec, Liesbeth Henderickx, Bernd Lohaus, Adriaan Verwée

Exhibition title: On Materiality

Venue: DASH, Kortrijk, Belgium

Date: February 25 – March 18, 2018

Photography: Alexandra Colmenares, Lieven Lefere and Valérian Goalec. All images copyright by DASH, the artists and their representatives