Tourism at Stadtgalerie Bern

Artists: Ayo Akingbade, Theo Burt, François Curlet, Klara Lidén, Josiane M.H. Pozi, Dani ReStack, Rachel Reupke, John Smith, Angharad Williams, Constantina Zavitsanos

Exhibition title: Tourism

Curated by: Luca Beeler, Richard Sides and Judith Welter

Venue: Stadtgalerie Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Date: September 3 – October 16, 2021

Photography: David Aebi / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Stadtgalerie, Bern

Tourism at Kunsthaus Glarus

Artists: Marie Angeletti, Stuart Croft, Tony Hill, Judith Hopf, Morag Keil, Nina Könnemann, Miriam Laura Leonardi, Jordan Lord, Asta Lynge, Stuart Middleton, Phung-Tien Phan, Josiane M.H. Pozi, Steve Reinke, Dani ReStack, Richard Sides, Terre Thaemlitz, Lena Youkhana

Exhibition title: Tourism

Venue: Kunsthaus Glarus, Glarus, Switzerland

Date: March 28 – May 24, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Kunsthaus Glarus

Ache at Cabinet

Artists: Christian Friedrich, Dani Restack, Dennis Cooper, Jayne County, JX Williams, KHISHVI, Pierre Klossowski, Tolia Astakhishvili

Exhibition title: Ache

Curated by: James Richards

Venue: Cabinet, London, UK

Date: December 8, 2018 – January 12, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Cabinet, London