Anonymous Was A Woman at Clint Roenisch Gallery

Artists: Julia Adelgren, Clara Adolphs, Chechu Álava, Penny Davenport, Rebecca Harper, Mary Herbert, Angela Lane, Joanna Logue, Gosia Machon, Heidrun Rathgeb, Alice Watkins, Marenne Welten

Exhibition title: Anonymous Was A Woman

Organized by: Brit Pruiksma

Venue: Clint Roenisch, Toronto, Canada

Date: January 22 – February 26, 2022

Photography: Toni Hafkenscheid / all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Clint Roenisch, Toronto

A Temple Most August at Clint Roenisch

Artists: Abdul Sharif Baruwa, Anna Torma, Emma Talbot, Heather Goodchild, Jennifer Murphy, Lorna Bauer, Lynne Sachs, Sarah Cale, Willard van Dyke

Exhibition title: A Temple Most August

Curated by: Clint Roenisch

Venue: Clint Roenisch, Toronto, Canada

Date: June 1 – September 11, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Clint Roenisch, Toronto

The Thawing Of The Great Bear at Clint Roenisch

Artists: André Ethier, Dorian FitzGerald, Kathleen Margaret Graham, Stan Greene, Jason de Haan, Amos Kaganak, Harold Klunder, Niall McClelland, Studio Morison, Justus Mekiana, Mannumi Shaqu, Artist Unknown

Exhibition title: The Thawing Of The Great Bear

Curated by: Clint Roenisch

Venue: Clint Roenisch, Toronto, Canada

Date: March 10 – May 15, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Clint Roenisch, Toronto