No Natural Disaster at HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts

No natural disaster 13_Raafat

Artists: Diana Artus, Caitlin Berrigan, Tamen Perez, Armita Raafat, Viktor Timofeev, Clémence de La Tour du Pin

Exhibition title: No Natural Disaster

Venue: HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts, Berlin, Germany

Date: November 27 – December 19, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and HORSEANDPONY Fine Arts, Berlin

No natural disaster 19_Artus, Perez.jpg

No natural disaster 28_DeLaTourDuPin

TERRAFORMERS at Bonington Gallery

- Installation View 7 Mould Map 6 TERRAFORMERS

Artists: Alexandre Bavard, Antwan Horfee, Ben Mendelewicz, Brenna Murphy, CF, Caley Feeney, Daniel Swan, Daniel Wallace, David Steans, Dunne & Raby, Ed Fornieles, Edwin Burdis, GHXYK2, Andy Healy, BankBank & Swee Neezy @ WAINSTOP, GW Duncanson, Guimi You, Hannah Bays, Hardeep Pandhal, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Jacob Charles Dietz, Jacob Ciocci, Jake Kent, Joey Holder, Jonny Negron, Joseph P Kelly, Julien Ceccaldi, Kitty Clark, Lala Albert, Lando, Leon Sadler, Lucas Dillon, Miguel Angel Valdivia, New Scenario Archives (Adam Cruces, Anne Fellner, Aoto Oouchi, Burkhard Beschow, Camilla Steinum, Clemence de la Tour du Pin, Dorota Gaweda & Egle Kubolkaite, Joseph Hernandez, Paul Barsch, Ronny Szillo, Thomas Payne,Tilman Hornig, Zack Davis), Noel Freibert, Parker Ito, Peter Nencini, Ruth Angel Edwards, Sam Hewland, Stefan Sadler, Tania Kerins, Tom Davis, Travess Smalley, Tristram Lansdowne, Viktor Hachmang and Yannick Val Gesto

Exhibition title: TERRAFORMERS

Curated by: Hugh Frost and Leon Sadler

Venue: Bonington Gallery, Nottingham, UK

Date: September 17 – October 21, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Bonington Gallery

- Installation View 2 Mould Map 6 TERRAFORMERS

Tristram Lansdowne - Natural History Study, Time Hog, Good Etiquette (2013)

Psaumes du Gorphoncelet at Center


Artists: Lutz Braun, Timothy Davies, Isabelle Fein, Burkhard Beschow, & Anne Fellner, Cameron Irving, Tamen Perez, Clémence de La Tour du Pin, Antoine Renard, Max Ruf, Lin May Saeed, Eric Sidner, Alex Turgeon

Exhibition title: Psaumes du Gorphoncelet

Curated by: Clémence de La Tour du Pin

Venue: Center, Berlin, Germany

Date: September 18 – October 1, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Center, Berlin

