A New Ballardian Vision at Metro Pictures

Artists: Nina Beier, Camille Henrot, Martin Kippenberger, Oliver Laric, Robert Longo, Trevor Paglen, Jim Shaw, Cindy Sherman, aaajiao, Chen Wei, Cheng Ran, Cui Jie, Li Qing, Liu Shiyuan, Pixy Liao

Exhibition title: A New Ballardian Vision

Curated by: Leo Xu

Venue: Metro Pictures, New York, US

Date: June 29 – August 4, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, Metro Pictures and Leo Xu Projects

De arrogantie van de jeugd at Galerie Gabriel Rolt

Artists: Mehraneh Atashi, Alicja Bielawska, Ruta Butkute, Jake and Dinos Chapman, Paul Geelen, Nicolás Lamas, Jay Tan, Cheng Ran Exhibition title: De arrogantie van de jeugd Curated by: Julia Mullié and Nick Terra Venue: Galerie Gabriel Rolt, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Date: July 25 – August 22, 2015 Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Gabriel … Read more

Cheng Ran at Armada

Artist: Cheng Ran Exhibition title: Always I Trust Venue: Armada, Milan, Italy Date: October 22 – November 23, 2014 Photography: Courtesy of Armada armada is pleased to announce the opening of its new space with the first solo exhibition in Italy by Cheng Ran. Titled “Always I Trust,” the exhibition includes video works Always I Trust … Read more