Máscaras (Masks) at Galeria Municipal do Porto

Artists: Caroline Achaintre, Bora Akinciturk, Evgeny Antufiev, Jakub Choma, Joana da Conceicao, Adam Christiansen, Echo and Seashell, Justin Fitzpatrick, David Hall, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Elena Narbutaitė, Joanna Piotrowska, Adrian Piper, Laure Prouvost, Jacolby Satterwhite, Cindy Sherman, Victoria Sin, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, The Dazzle Club, Amalia Ulman

Exhibition title: Máscaras (Masks)

Curated by: Valentinas Klimasauskas and João Laia

Venue: Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, Portugal

Date: June 2 – August 16, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galeria Municipal do Porto


Artists: Caroline Achaintre, Johanna Von Monkiewitsch, Marie Karlberg, Yves Scherer, Marcin Dudek, Lisa Tiemann, Renata De Bonis, Tina Lechner, Konrad Smolenski, Nika Neelova, Florian Auer, Habima Fuchs, Cristina Garrido, Ohlsson/Dit-Cilinn, Peter Bartoš, Nick Oberthaler

Venue: DAMA, Turin, Italy

Exhibitors: Arcade, London; Berthold Pott, Cologne; Bonny Poon, Paris; Cassina Projects, New York; Edel Assanti, London; Fiebach, Minninger, Cologne; Giorgio Galotti, Turin; Hubert Winter, Vienna; Leto, Warsaw; Osnova, Moscow; Piktogram, Warsaw; SVIT, Prague; The Goma, Madrid; Siliqoon, Milan, Tenderpixel, London; Furiosa, Monte Carlo

Date: November 1 – 4, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, galleries and DAMA

Caroline Achaintre at Dortmunder Kunstverein

Artist: Caroline Achaintre

Exhibition title: Dissolver

Curated by: Oriane Durand and Linda Schröer

Venue: Dortmunder Kunstverein, Dortmund, Germany

Date: September 21 – November 18, 2018

Photography: Simon Vogel / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Dortmunder Kunstverein

Note: Exhibition plan can be found here