HOOKS & CLAWS at Galerie Gregor Staiger

Artists: Vittorio Brodmann, Elaine Cameron-Weir, Bruno Gironcoli, Max Hooper Schneider, Judith Hopf, Kulisek / Lieske, David Musgrave, Richard Rezac, Raphaela Vogel Exhibition title: HOOKS & CLAWS

Curated by: Alexis Vaillant

Venue: Galerie Gregor Staiger, Zurich, Switzerland

Date: February 21 – May 30, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Galerie Gregor Staiger

ich weiß nicht—Growing Relations between Things at MAK

Artists: Padhi Frieberger, Bruno Gironcoli, Sofia Goscinski, Nilbar Güreş, Lisa Holzer, Birgit Jürgenssen, Anita Leisz, Paul Leitner, Ute Müller, Julian Palacz, Signe Rose, Günther Selichar, Misha Stroj, Zin Taylor, Sofie Thorsen, Patrick Topitschnig, Kay Walkowiak

Exhibition title: ARTIFICIAL TEARS. Singularity & Humanness—A Speculation

Curated by: Janina Falkner (MAK Contemporary Art Collection) and Marlies Wirth (Curator, Digital Culture and MAK Design Collection)

Venue: MAK (MAK DESIGN LAB), Vienna, Austria

Date: June 21 – October 1, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and MAK, Vienna