the little baby show at 315 Gallery

Artists: Jillian Mayer, Rachel Rossin, Flannery Silva, Cristine Brache, Loney Abrams, Johnny Stanish, Brian Kokoska, Heather Leigh McPherson, Marlene Frontera, Aria McManus, Raine Trainor

Exhibition title: the little baby show

Curated by: Cecilia Salama

Venue: 315 Gallery, New York, US

Date: June 1 – July 1, 2018

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and 315 Gallery, New York

Nightline at 44th Drive Pier New York

Artist: Brian Kokoska, Clark Filio, geetha thurairajah, Kayode Ojo, Larissa Lockshin, Quay Quinn Wolf, Stephanie Hier

Exhibition title: Nightline

Venue: 44th Drive Pier New York, US

Date: August 16, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists

True Believer at The Pony Club


Artists: Bernadette Corporation, Stephanie Hier, Brian Kokoska, Sebastian Sommer, Tom Volkaert

Exhibition title: True Believer

Curated by: Goedele Bartholomeeusen

Venue: The Pony Club, Antwerp, Belgium

Date: August 5 – September 25, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Michaël Smits

