Ascending from the Liquid Horizon at Le Lieu Unique

Artists: Sol Archer, Joey Holder, Katja Novitskova, Kristina Õllek, Norman Orro, Anni Puolakka, Jaakko Pallasvuo, Laura Põld, Nicholas Riis, Taavi Suisalu, Vello Vinn, Simon Wald-Lasowski, Guan Xiao

Exhibition title: Ascending from the Liquid Horizon

Curated by: Kati Ilves

Venue: Le Lieu Unique, Nantes, France

Date: October 21, 2018 – January 6, 2019

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Le Lieu Unique, Nantes

Note: Press release can be found here. Exhibition booklet can be found here

Spending Quality Time With My Quantified Self at TENT


Artists: Kate Cooper, Momu & No Es, Alexandra Navratil, Anni Puolakka, Jenna Sutela, Milos Trakilovic, Maki Ueda, Amy Suo Wu, Anna Zett

Exhibition title: Spending Quality Time With My Quantified Self 

Curated by: Niekolaas Johannes Lekkerkerk and Jesse van Oosten

Venue: TENT, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Date: January 11 – April 10, 2016

Photography: Sander van Wettum, images copyright and courtesy of the artists and TENT