LINES at Konrad Fischer Galerie

Artists: Carl Andre, stanley brouwn, Daniel Buren, Alice Channer, Alan Charlton, Paul Czerlitzki, Hanne Darboven, Edith Dekyndt, Aleana Egan, Sol LeWitt, Richard Long, Rita McBride, Maria Nordman, Thomas Ruff, Yuji Takeoka, Merrill Wagner, 

Exhibition title: LINES

Venue: Konrad Fischer Galerie, Düsseldorf, Germany

Date: September 4 – November 6, 2020

Photography: images copyright and courtesy the artists and Konrad Fischer Galerie, Berlin

Rest in the Furrows of My Skin at Kunsthaus Hamburg

Artists: Alisa Baremboym, Christiane Blattmann, Ruth Buchanan, Åsa Cederqvist, Alice Channer, Mariechen Danz, Sidsel Meineche Hansen, Sarah-Jane Hoffmann, Ida Lennartsson, Shahryar Nashat, Jimmy Robert, Pamela Rosenkranz, Amy Sillman

Exhibition title: Rest in the Furrows of My Skin

Curated by: Anna Sabrina Schmid

Venue: Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Date: June 7 – August 20, 2017

Photography: Hayo Heye, © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2017, all images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Kunsthaus Hamburg