40 Pest Street at Alyssa Davis Gallery

Artists: Maria Cozma, Joel Dean, Ala Dehghan, Anna Fehr, Samuel Linus Groman, Emma Hazen, Laurids Oder, Alexandra Metcalf, Ian Swanson, Yi Xin Tong, Lillian Paige Walton, Dennis Witkin

Exhibition title: 40 Pest Street

Curated by: Dillon Petito and Malte Zander

Venue: Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, US

Date: September 24 – October 22, 2017

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York

Hüttendasein at 15 Orient

45_veitlaurentkurz 5

Artists: Hanna Törnudd, Lauren Burns Cody, Magnus Andersen, Ben Morgan Cleveland, Paul Gondry, Shelby Jackson, George Rippon, Jonathan Gean,Rochelle Goldberg, Mike Pollard, Ben Schumacher, Lillian Page Walton, Alexandra Metcalf, Olivia Erlanger, Lorenzo Bernet, Veit Laurent Kurz,Taketo Shimada, Jonas Lipps, Maggie Lee, John Roebas, Anna Pierce, Matt Creed, Yuki Kishino, Stefan Tcherepnin, Griffin Snyder, Zack Marshall

Exhibition title: Hüttendasein

Curated by: Veit Laurent Kurz and Ben Schumacher

Venue: 15 Orient, New York, US

Date:  May 24 – 29, 2016

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists

