YOU FEEL ∼ AND DRIFT ∼ AND SING at Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Suprainfinit Gallery, Spatiul THE INSTITUTE, Switch Lab

Artists: Apparatus 22, Alex Bodea, Ștefan Botez, Patrick Brăila, Cornel Brudașcu, Irina Bujor, Liviu Bulea, Andrei Chintilă, Lorena Cocioni, Raluca Ilaria Demetrescu, Georgiana Dobre & Kjersti Vetterstad, Paul Dunca / Paula Dunker, Julio Elvisey Pisică, Vergine Santa Frida, Alex Horghidan, Limba semnelor de întrebare / The Language of Question Marks, Luca Istodor, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Katja Lee Eliad, Mihai Lukács, Mihai Mihalcea, Alex Mirutziu, Sebastian Moldovan, Paul Mureșan, Vasile Mureșan (Murivale), Ioana Nemeș, Mircea Nicolae, Adrian Oncu, Sorin Oncu, Ileana Pașcalău, Manuel Pelmuș, Adina Pintilie, Veda Popovici, Lea Rasovszky, Flaviu Rogojan, Miron Schmückle, Aris Tureac, Mihaela Vasiliu (Chlorys)

Exhibition title: YOU FEEL ∼ AND DRIFT ∼ AND SING

Curated by: KILOBASE BUCHAREST (Dragoș Olea, Sandra Demetrescu)

Venues: Combinatul Fondului Plastic, Suprainfinit Gallery, Spatiul THE INSTITUTE, Switch Lab, Bucharest, Romania

Date: December 4, 2021 – January 19, 2022

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and KILOBASE BUCHAREST

Once More into the Grey at UNA

Artists: Răzvan Botiș, Radu Comșa, Camilia Filipov, Nona Inescu, Alex Mirutziu, Vlad Nancă

Exhibition title: Once More into the Grey

Curated by: SABOT, Cluj-Napoca

Venue: UNA, Piacenza, Italy

Date: October 27 – December 29, 2018

Photography: Marco Fava / all images copyright and courtesy of the artists, UNA, Piacenza and SABOT, Cluj-Napoca