documento​ at Embajada

Artists: ASMA, Alex Becerra, Daniel Boccato, Cristine Brache, Wendy Cabrera Rubio, Matteo Callegari, Antoine Carbonne, Guanina Cotto, Taína Cruz, Emily Davidson, Danielle De Jesús, Larissa De Jesús Negrón, Débora Delmar, Maggie Ellis, Cielo Felix-Hernández, Peter Fend, Juan “Jufe” Fernández, Elizabeth Ferry, Radamés “Juni” Figueroa, Al Freeman, Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Vartiko Garcia, Jorge González, Sebastián Gutiérrez, Vanessa Gully Santiago, Vanessa Hernández-Gracia, Karlo Andrei Ibarra, Alana Iturralde, Elizabeth Jaeger, Daniel Lind-Ramos, Stuart Lorimer, Raúl Martínez, Adriana Martínez, Josué Mejía, Elsa María Meléndez, Manuel Mendoza Sánchez, Joiri Minaya, Jesús “Bubu” Negrón, Jonny Negrón, Nora Maité Nieves, Margaux Ogden, Juan Antonio Olivares, Ángel Otero, Kivan Quiñones, Paul Ramírez Jonas, Chemi Rosado-Seijo, Claudia Peña Salinas, Curtis Talwst Santiago, Irgin Sena, Yiyo Tirado, Gabriella Torres Ferrer, Rafael Vega, Chloe Wilcox, Alberto Zayas Montilla

Exhibition title: documento​

Venue: Embajada, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Date: October 31, 2020 – February 6, 2021

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Embajada, San Juan

Futuro Modular at Rachel Uffner Gallery

Artists: ASMA, Rebecca Adorno, Nobutaka Aozaki, Básica TV, Antoine Carbonne, Guanina Cotto, Dalton Gata, Jorge González, Alejandro Lafontant, Adriana Martinez, Natalia Martínez, Mariana Murcia, Las Nietas de Nonó, Kenny Rivero, Chemi Rosado-Seijo, Claudia Peña Salinas, Manuel Mendoza Sánchez, Curtis Talwst Santiago, Gabriella Torres-Ferrer, Jose Luis Vargas

Exhibition title: Futuro Modular

Curated by: Christopher Rivera

Presented by: EMBAJADA

Venue: Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York, US

Date: November 10, 2019 – February 23, 2020

Photography: all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Rachel Uffner Gallery, New York

El eje del mal at Ruberta

Artists: Radamés “Juni” Figueroa, Adriana Lara, Adriana Martínez, Mariana Murcia, Diego Salvador Ríos, Sangree, Cristina Tufiño

Exhibition title: El eje del mal

Venue: Ruberta, Los Angeles, US

Date: September 10 – October 22, 2017

Photography: Santiago Pinyol, all images copyright and courtesy of the artists and Ruberta, Los Angeles

SPECIAL FEATURE: Material Art Fair 2015

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Dates: 5-8 February, 2015

Venue: Auditorio Blackberry, Mexico City


The second edition of Mexico City’s Material Art Fair presented a selective group of 40 galleries and artist-run project spaces — from 10 countries and over 20 cities — chosen by the fair’s 2015 selection committee, which was comprised of John Riepenhoff, artist and co-owner of Green Gallery, Milwaukee; Beatriz López, Co-Director of Instituto de Visión, Bogota; Chris Sharp, curator and co-founder of Lulu, Mexico City; and Gerardo Contreras, curator and director of Preteen Gallery.

The fair’s 2015 public program featured an engaging series of daily conversations organized by the New York City-based online publication, Triple Canopy, under the title “How Far is Near.” These included, “In Search of a Model for Life” with Felipe Ehrenberg, Waysatta Fernández, Juan Caloca, and Sofia Olascoaga; “Universal Methods of Design” with Maru Calva, José León Cerrillo, and Prem Krishnamurthy; and “How to Demand the Impossible” with John Gibler, Gabriela Jauregui, and Isaac Torres.

Anna Gritz, associate curator at South London Gallery, curated the fair’s video program, “Sand in the Vaseline,” which featured three individual programs for artists Adriana Lara, Sophia Al-Maria, and Stuart Middleton.

Mexico City-based Distrito Editorial created the fair’s bookstore, presenting an impeccable selection of artist books, books about art, and small, limited-edition works mostly by Mexican artists.

Finally, beneath the stage at the Auditorio Blackberry was the Material Exhibitors Club: an ambitious group exhibition, performance space, and pop-up mezcal bar organized by the Lower East Side art bar, Beverly’s, with complimentary mezcal provided by Gracias a Dios.

2015 Exhibitor List:

321 Gallery, Brooklyn / Adams and Ollman, Portland / American Medium, Brooklyn / Aran Cravey, Los Angeles / Beverly’s, New York City / CARNE GALLERY, Bogotá / Carrie Secrist Gallery, Chicago / Casa Imelda, Mexico City / Clifton Benevento, New York City / COOPER COLE, Toronto / David Petersen Gallery, Minneapolis / East Hampton Shed, East Hampton / Et al., San Francisco / Fourteen30 Contemporary, Portland / François Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles / Grand Century, New York City / Green Gallery, Milwaukee / helper, Brooklyn / Instituto de Visión, Bogotá / Kunstverein Toronto, Toronto / Levy.Delval, Brussels / lodos, Mexico City / LOYAL, Stockholm / Lulu, México, D.F. / LVL3, Chicago / Mary Mary, Glasgow / Michael Jon Gallery, Miami+Detroit / Narwhal Contemporary, Toronto / New Galerie, Paris / Night Gallery, Los Angeles / P!, New York / Parallel Oaxaca, Oaxaca / Queer Thoughts, Nueva York / Regina Rex, Nueva York / Roberto Paradise, San Juan / Rolando Anselmi, Berlin / Shane Campbell Gallery, Chicago / Smart Objects, Los Ángeles / What Pipeline, Detroit / The White Lodge, Córdoba / Yautepec, Mexico City

Booth Center