Feelings of my Thatched Hut at Grimmuseum

Ada Van Hoorebeke, Where Batik Belongs, 2016, installation view at Grimmuseum (6)

Artists: Fritz Bornstück, Marco Montiel-Soto, Janes Schmallenberg, Ulrika Segerberg, Ada Van Hoorebeke, Julian Weber

Exhibition title: Feelings of my Thatched Hut

Curated by: Amelie Wedel

Venue: Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany

Date: June 19 – July 30, 2016

Photography: images copyright and courtesy of the artist and Grimmuseum, Berlin

Ulrika Segerberg, Trust Me Not, 2016, installation view at Grimmuseum (1)

Janes Schmallenberg, Ahab _Queebeg, 2016, installation view at Grimmuseum (4)

Now Age at Garage Rotterdam

Artists: Hadassah Emmerich, Sulaïman Majali, Nick van Woert, Ada van Hoorebeke, Samuel Levack & Jennifer Lewandowski, Thomas van Linge Exhibition title: Now Age Curated by: Yasmijn Jarram Venue: Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands Date: May 22 – July 12, 2015 Photography: Thijs de Lange, images courtesy of the artists and Garage Rotterdam Dressed totem poles, cat … Read more

Art Brussels: GRIMMUSEUM gUG

Artist: Ada Van Hoorebeke Venue: GRIMMUSEUM gUG, Art Brussels, Brussels, Belgium Date:  April 24 – 27, 2015 Photography: We Document Art, images courtesy of the artist and GRIMMUSEUM gUG, Berlin Batik Production 4a4-4a7 / The Shop Floor, 2014 Black Is The Color Of Decay, 2015 Batik Furniture / In Practice, 2013 Monday? (Tuesday, Tuesday, Sunday, Wednesday, Monday, … Read more